FAFO Forever

For Those Who F’d Around And Found Out. May They Be Remembered Forever

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We Are A Creative Community With A Passion For Shining A Light On Those That Need To Find Out. No threats or violence of any kind is tolerated.






So, You Found Us, Now What?

We hope you find this website to be a lot of things. Helpful. Justice. Entertaining. A community to find like minded people. Hone investigative skills, Help those that need it, Bring closure, satisfaction of knowing YOU are doing the right thing and an outlet for the frustration of how people act and treat others. 

The one thing it is not, is a place to plan and organize to harass, Bully or threaten people regardless of their character. Dislike the people you see in these videos and stories. Understand most are disgusting. The goal is for us to learn from each other and work together to hold people accountable for their actions. The best way to do that FOR NOW,  is work together to attempt to find information and pass it along to the large Social Media Influencers in this space. Don’t stoop to the level of the people we are trying to identify.

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